Antiquesmart - online marketplace for Antiques

"The New Way to Buy & Sell Old things"

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What Is Antiquesmart?

Antiquesmart is an online antiques marketplace that caters to the needs and desires of buyers, sellers, collectors, and all lovers of antiques!

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Project Challenges

Sourcing authentic antiques is time-consuming and challenging

The antiquities market lacks a centralized platform for enthusiasts to buy and sell their items, relying on cumbersome traditional methods like physical auctions. Sellers struggle to reach a wider audience without an online presence, while buyers find it challenging to locate specific items due to the market's fragmentation. This highlights the need for a modern, user-friendly platform that connects antique lovers and sellers globally.

Our Solution

Antique online marketplace platform

Zetaton's software development team developed a website and mobile app that bridges the gap between passionate collectors and sellers by offering a user-friendly online marketplace. Where seller can sign up for free and their antiques, and buyer can view and buy the one they wants. Alos, the platform offer product pricing or contact seller for price option.

Laptop and mobile phones - Website, mobile application, swimming solutions

Encourage visitors to explore the platform by inviting them to browse the marketplace or learn more about selling on Antiquesmart.

Let's work together
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How We Did It

Step One
Software Scope

Our software developers initially had an extensive brainstorming session with our client for AntiqueSmart. Based on our discussion, Our experts of web and mobile application developers provided an online marketplace platform which serves as a one-stop destination for both buyers and sellers, offering a seamless experience for browsing, buying, and selling antiques.

step two
UX/UI Design

We started by creating the most important screens for the product. This allowed the client to see exactly how the product will look. After a few iterations on the UX/UI, the client approved the design.

Antiques Online Marketplace - Antiquesmart
step three
Product Rationale and Tech Scope

The user-friendly react website and react native mobile application we developed aims to revolutionize the antiquities market by providing a seamless online marketplace for enthusiasts and collectors worldwide. Our platform leverages cutting-edge technology to streamline the buying and selling process while ensuring a user-friendly experience.


Using the latest technology, we created top-end website, Android and iOS apps that enhanced user experience and business performance.

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Loved by teams around the world

online marketplace platform for Antiques

Rich and full of features

Seller Tools

Effectively manage your listings, track sales activity, and communicate with buyers conveniently through a dedicated seller dashboard.

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Search & Filtering

Find the perfect item or seller effortlessly using our comprehensive search tools and filtering options based on category, price, location, and other relevant criteria.

Advanced Search & Filtering
Community Engagement

AntiqueSmart fosters a vibrant community of antique lovers, collectors, and sellers. Users can interact through forums, share their experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals who share their passion for antiquities.

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